Missouri & Illinois Councils for History Education

Best Practices in History Education Conference

September 19 & 20, 2017

Gateway Conference Center-St.Louis Federal Reserve Bank


We invite you to submit a breakout session proposal. Sessions may feature episodes in American or World History and themes such as Teaching Literacy in the History Classroom. We seek sessions on technology use in the classroom, History Day, curriculum issues facing social studies teachers, and other topics relating to content and methodology. Proposals may include panels, roundtables, and/or workshops sixty minutes in length.

All presenters must pre-register for the conference and are expected to participate in the full conference. Our conferences are particularly valued because of the collegiality and networking among presenters and educators.

Proposal Guidelines Proposals must include:

• Name and contact information for each presenter – ground and email addresses plus phone number.

• Information regarding presenters’ experience presenting to a K-12 educators audience.

• 50 – 100 word abstract indicating information and instructional methodology to be shared.

• Specify audio-visual needs.

• Intended audience: subject, grade level.

• Presenters intending to promote a particular set of commercial materials, including textbooks and/or supplemental materials, must indicate this in their proposal.

• Panels and collaborative teams of teachers, historians, and social science professionals are encouraged, as are sessions that aid in teaching to state or national history/social science standards and/or the Common Core.

Email proposals to: jwmusbach@gmail.com

Proposals must be received by May 15, 2017.

Emailed proposals will be acknowledged. Notification of status will be sent on or before June 1, 2017.

For more information contact Joan Musbach, MOCHE Conference Director,


Downloadable and Printable Flyer