2018 Missouri National History Day message

The 2019 Region 5 in Missouri National History Day contest will be held on the campus of the University of Missouri-St. Louis on Saturday, February 23, 2019.  Those entrants who finish first, second, or third at the regional competition will be eligible to compete at the state contest to be held Saturday, April 28, 2019 on the campus of the University of Missouri-Columbia. 

The theme for National History Day 2019 is “Triumph and Tragedy in History.”  Please consult the National History Day website (http://www.nhd.org/) for additional information and access to a tremendous variety of student, teacher, and parent resources. 

I am waiting for the 2019 Theme Guide but have attached a copy of the theme narrative and a Content Rule Guide.  All of these items and the Theme Book are available on the national website.

Please note that all websites entries must be built and submitted on the NHD WEB SITE EDITOR (Weebly).  Students must use this site in order to be judged in the competition, they may NOT use the regular/public Weebly site.  

If you know of any teachers, students, or parents who have expressed an interest in participating in National History Day, please have them contact me for materials and information on Region 5 History Day in Missouri 2019, 314-516-5700, or email acsayp@umsl.edu 

Registration will be online and will open January 2 and close January 25, 2019.  There is NO entry fee for Region 5 in Missouri National History Day.  Paper and Website entries must be completed and submitted by January 25.  All other entries will be submitted on the day of the competition. 


Any questions?  Call me at 314-516-5700 or email acsayp@umsl.edu.


I will send the registration link via email before registration opens.  Good luck to you all in 2019!

Peter J. Acsay

Missouri Region 5 Coordinator, National History Day

Department of History

University of Missouri, St. Louis


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